You are a student
Log in via your ENT access and access the network
You are a graduate or alumnus
Fill in your personal details and activate your account to join the uFC community
University staff
Log in with your CAS access and join the network
You are a Recruiter or Partner
Activate your account and circulate your business opportunities to members of our network
A place of exchange and sharing, developed with current web and application technologies, the Alumni network of the University of Franche-Comté aims to support its students in their professional integration process and to support the careers of its former graduates. A place of convergence between the university community and the world of employment, the Alumni network will be the key to boosting your future!
Equipped with all of the latest features expected in terms of social networks, the Alumni network reserved for students or graduating from the University of Franche-Comté, has a career center for the difusion of job offers, internships or work-study programs. A directory of active members and recruiting companies will allow members to make contacts and develop networking. Consultable via an application, a directory of groups is offered, representative of all the training units spread over our campuses in Besançon, Belfort, Montbéliard, Vesoul and Lons-le Saulnier.
Connect and let's build our university's network together
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